Blogs & Pods
Friday, January 06, 2006Happy new year to all, and no, we've not had our website hacked, this *is* an update to the Slacyr website. We're looking forward to (hopefully) a host of record releases this year, but thought we'd start the year here with a Blog and a website overhaul. Another web treat will be added shortly in the form of an exclusive podcast. Which will, i think, include snippets of Texas Radio Band new material (demo'd during 2005 - more news on that and them in the next post), a live session track by Gwyneth Glyn, a chat with the usual suspects in the Slac fold, and other.... stuff. The podcast is in the capable hands of Dyl Mei, so you know what to expect!
In this first blog post, i'd best introduce the new member into the fray, joining myself (Marc) and Dyl Mei... is someone I met in lecture rooms of The University College of Chester back in the late 90's, who gave me a demo tape of a little known Porthmadog band he was in called "Hyrbi", now of course drummer with "Kentucky AFC", and new project "Genod Droog", welcome to the stage >>> Gethin Evs.
Apologies to the many customers who ordered the "Gwyneth Glyn - Wyneb Dros Dro" album over our PayPal shop and experienced delay receiving the record. We completely ran out of stock, and had to rush our 2nd repress of the album.
Anyhow we'll be keeping you a lot more informed these days - Dyl and Gethin also have access to the Blog, so expect posts to flutter between Welsh & English, Sense & Nonsense etc.
posted by Marc (North) | 7:57 PM
Rhaid i mi deud ffyc o wefan newydd Slacyr! wefan fel flyer mawr o pop peth sy'n Slac. Neis i weld ti nol/// pryd ni gallu clywad am be Texas Radio Band neud?
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